For fun and function, additional modules can be attached to the back of the main cabin - or detached to evade predators. PDA: The seatruck is a modular aquatic navigation vehicle.

PDA: The Exosuit facilitates mobility in high-pressure and zero-gravity environments, turning the wearer into a bipedal mechanical rock puncher - rock grub ingestion not required. Now your vehicle can look foxier than ever! PDA: The Snowfox hoverpad will allow you to build, repair and customize the Snowfox. PDA: Ribbon plants contain electrolytic materials that can be used in energy storage. PDA: There is a large anomalous mass of rock that has broken away and risen above the surrounding terrain SEATRUCK: WARNING: Approaching crush depth of meters. PDA: Cannot build here must be constructed in deeper water.

"ROBIN: Some of the wildlife down here is very. "PDA: Your chance of survival would be increased by constructing an under water vehicle." Scanning Seatruck fragments for the first time. "PDA: Adding emergency shelter blueprints." Picking up the Habitat Builder for the first time "PDA: Dangerous weather approaching, seek shelter."